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‘Lord Penno was the holder of a large estate not far from Tondo’s. Penno cultivated orchards of oil trees. The trees grew fruit that was picked and crushed to extract their oil. The oil was used as a staple of the Teg-ar-mos Kingdom, primarily with food, but it was also used in lamps.’

‘‘…Coleman got his first view of the estate manor house, standing a couple of miles away. It was too far distant to make out much detail, but he was very impressed by what he saw. In a grove of tall trees planted near the buildings to provide shade and protection from the wind, stood a large, two-story, light tan building with a red-tiled roof. It reminded him of a Mediterranean villa. Around the large manor sat many smaller outbuildings and a large barn. He feasted his eyes on the beauty of his new abode.’

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“What are these terrors, and what makes them so danger-ous?” Coleman wondered.
“I’ve seen them,” said Pontus. “They have a big fin on their back, taller than a man. They are as long as ten men are tall, maybe more, and they can swallow ten men at once. That’s why no one goes on the ocean.”

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